Piero's Angel    2023
  Bathers   2024
  Hills and River   2024
  Deer Mandala  2024
  Woodlands   2014
  Woodlands 2   2014
  Sunbather in a Cortile   2024
  Europa   2023
  Greeks Leaving Troy   2023
  Argonautica   2023
  Ariadne   2023
  God of War In a World of Peace   2023
  Judith   2023
  Couple   2023
  Io  2023
  Sower and Reaper   2023
  Conversion of Saul   2024
  Spearfisher   2023
  Dark Angel   2023
  Temple  2021
  Fable  2020
  Art Thief   2021
 Art Thief  2018
  Art Thief   2023
  Bay   2016
  Leviathan   2011
  Leviathan 2  2016
  Night Garden  2010
  Magpie  2015
  The King’s Return  2014
  Cemetery and Sea   2016
  Fruit   1996
  Actaeon   2022
  Riverman   2016
  Reservoir   2016
  River Houses   2014
 War of Constellations  2017
  Primavera   2023
  The Birth of Poetry   2022
  Giorno e Notte   2020
  Oracle  2015
  Midtown   2020
  The Resurrected Christ   2020
  The Resurrected Christ  2017
  Head of a Saint   2023
 The Tower   2009
  Head of a Faun   2024
  Paradiso   2010
  Church   2006
  Hand   1998
  Io  2023
  Io  2023
  Sower  2023
  Sower 1   2023
  River God   2014
  M’Illumino d’immenso   2004
  Spearfisher   2020
  Storm on Sea   2016
  Fortezza   2016
  Three Bathers  2023
  Sunbather   2023
  Athlete   2023
 Yellow Tower  2023
  The Bad Thief (after van Heemskerck) 2023
  Apollo   2023
  Tulip   2023
  Mums   2023
  Fleeing The Cyclops  2024
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