Orpheus In Hades
  Orpheus In The Underworld
  Orpheus At The Tomb of Eurydice
  Orpheus and Eurydice In Elysium
  Orpheus and Charon
  Orpheus Crossing Styx
  Orpheus Crossing Styx
  Orpheus Crossing Styx
  Orpheus Crossing Styx
  Orpheus Entering Hades
  Orpheus Entering Hades
  Orpheus Entering Hades
  Orpheus Crossing The Styx
  Orpheus Entering The Underworld
  Orpheus In The Underworld
  Eurydice Among The Shades
  Orpheus and the Shade of Eurydice
  Orpheus and the Shade of Eurydice
  Orpheus Leading Eurydice
 Orpheus and Eurydice
  Losing Eurydice To The Shades
  Orpheus and the Shade of Eurydice   2024
  Orpheus Leading Eurydice   2023
  Leaving The Underworld   2023
  Orpheus Beseeched By Eurydice
  Orpheus Losing Eurydice
  Orpheus Losing Eurydice
  Orpheus Losing Eurydice to the Underworld
  Orpheus Beseeched By Eurydice
  The Death of Orpheus
 Orpheus Dismembered
  Remains of Orpheus
  Song of Orpheus
  Orpheus and Eurydice on Pegasus
  Orpheus Creating The Tritone
  Head of Orpheus
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